8 Tips to Get More Website Visitors

8 Tips to Get More Website Visitors

It's no secret that every business owner, webmaster or marketer would love to see more traffic to his/her website. In fact, many constantly keep tabs on the number of visitors/customers who stop by their website. Sadly, many are yet to hit the magic numbers while some sites seem to disappear from the internet altogether. Listed below are some ways of getting free website traffic.

1. Optimize your site for Google

Enjoying a commanding lead of 65% of all searches, any website or business owner should ensure their website is optimized for Google. The latest statistics indicate that Google enjoys 3.5 billion search queries daily or approximately 1.2 trillion annually. Making your website Google-friendly entails using well-crafted titles, ensuring the file name and domain name are descriptive of the content, and adding unique and quality content. Adding short captions or using descriptive file names on images is also advised.[ReadMore]

2. Optimize your site for Yahoo and Bing

Bing and Yahoo have a combined market share of approximately 35%. Further statistics indicate that these networks enjoys 5.2 billion search queries and 149 million searchers monthly. These networks appears to prefer sites with official domain names for instances .edu, .gov, proper use of title tags (using relevant keywords on every page), and getting indexed by submitting your website.

3. Add your site to the Chrome web store

As of 2011, Chrome Web Store had more than 30 million users. Despite the high traffic, many webmasters and business owners haven’t harnessed its power. You can start attracting traffic from the store by adding your website to the Chrome Web Store and you won’t spend a single cent on it.

4. Optimize your site for Mobile Devices

Data from Google indicate that 60% of its searches are done from mobile devices such as smartphone, tablets, and iPads while other studies have also shown that 28% of mobile search queries result in conversions. Unfortunately, many websites aren’t mobile-friendly and will miss out when searched via mobile devices. You can optimize your website by embracing a responsive design and using the updated website code.

5. Add a Blog to your site and post at least once a week

Incorporating a blog not only gives you free website traffic but also makes you an authority and boasts sales. Statistics show that 23% of internet users are either blogging or on social media, while B2B users who use blogging are likely to generate up to 67% more leads compared to those who don’t. The blog should be relevant to your niche, contain unique and exciting content and you should regularly update it, at least once a week.

6. Guest post on high traffic blogs

Guest posting helps you access high traffic from another website. People who never knew about your site will now have access to it and this contributes to your site ranking higher. It is however important to look for highly-rated sites and using trusted links when doing this.

7. Engage with Social media

Social media has taken the world by storm and has become part and parcel of today’s communication and interaction. Going by statistics, Facebook leads the pack with more than 1.7 billion followers, followed by WhatsApp with 1 billion, Facebook Messenger with 900 million and QQ with 853 million. Other notable platforms include Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Stumbleupon, and LinkedIn among others. Linking your website to social media and marketing it via these platforms gives you access to their amount huge traffic.

8. Post a presentation on Slideshare

Often referred to as the “Sleeping Giant” of content marketing, Slideshare.net enjoys a large following with statistics showing it receives more than 1.5 million visitors monthly in the US alone. You can harness its high traffic by creating a free account and coming up with a motivating and appealing presentation.

Following the tips above doesnt cost you a thing and you will see your website traffic grow after doing them consistently. Of course all is for not if you do not have a good updated website to link everything too. Click here to get a professional website from us or inquire on how we can help you with many of these free traffic tips.

Small Business Tips