Custom Websites

Everything you need to get your business online

A One Of A Kind Website:

Separate yourself from your competitors with a custom website built from the ground up with your company in mind. All of our custom websites are built with the latest code and techniques, from scratch. We do not use any pre-built designs or templates. This allows us to provide truly custom websites that work flawlessly on any device and are fully optimized for search engines.

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What Is Included:

Our Informational Website Package includes everything you need to get online without having any knowledge of how to build a website. We work with you every step of the way to get your ideas on to the internet.

A one of a kind design built from scratch with your company in mind. We will work with you to build the exact design you are looking for.
We dont use any pre-built Content Management Systems. This allows your site to be as fast and as optimized as possible. This also removes any security issues that may come with sub-standard third party code build by a community of amateurs and hobbyists.
Up to 8 pages of content incuded. Additional pages can easily be added.
Up to 12 widgets incuded. Additional widgets can easily be added. Widgets include: Forms, Slideshows, Javascript Elements, Embeded Videos, Feeds, Etc.
All of our websites are built to work on all modern devices including Desktops, Tablets and Mobile Phones. We support all modern browsers built for Mac, Android, IOS, Windows, and Linux devices.
Building your website by hand with the latest techniques means your website will be as fast and as lean as possible. This will decrease loading times, allowing your customers to access your website faster than your competition. Website speed and load times are also a factors in search rankings, the faster your website is the more organic traffic you can expect to get.
We will perform keyword research for your industry and target population, we will use this information to populate the content, metadata and code of your website. This will optimize your website for specific search terms, attracting more organic traffic to your website and allow your website to be indexed more favorably by search engines.
All of our websites come with 3 months of website hosting on our private servers. With our hosting you can have the peace of mind that your website will not be sharing a server with less reputable websites that could get the shared IP address blacklisted, compromising your website performance and email capability.

We also include a free domain registration or transfer with any new website you purchase for 1 year.
We also include:
A Google Friendly Sitemap
Google Analytics Setup
A Custom Favicon
Lewis & Yul Construction
Lewis & Yul Construction

A family-owned business established to help homeowners get the most out of their homes with energy efficient solutions.

Website Type: Informational Website

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How The Website Design Process Works:

At Complete Webdesign Solution, we take a thorough, logical approach to the web design process. We'll work with you every step of the way, carefully explaining technical issues in everyday English. See below for a run-down of the phases involved in building your company's website.

1. Connect

We discuss your company's needs and requirements.

2. Quote

CWDS creates a quote that outlines everything the website will entail and what the costs associated will be.

3. Accept and First Payment

When you accept the quote, CWDS will send you an invoice for half the quote amount that is to be paid before work begins.

4. Content and Fine Details

CWDS will send you to an online form that will walk you though all the information and content you need to provide us.

5. Build and Preview

CWDS will build the website based on the information you provided and let you see it live on a public dev-server.

6. Review And Changes (x3)

After reviewing, you can request any* changes. Changes will be made and then you can review the website again.

7. Final Payment

Once you are happy with the website, you will receive a final invoice for the remaining half of the initial quote.**

8. Website Goes Live!

Once the final payment is received, the website will go live.

Additional Information:

*) Any changes refers to design and style elements of the website, additional pages and features not outlined in the initial quote are not included and will require an additional fee.

**) This final invoice is required to be paid before the website is placed live or any files are handed over to you. If the scope of the project has increased and non-included features were added, the fee for these will be placed on this invoice. All scope changes will be made clear to you and only added upon your approval.

x3) You can request up to two complete rounds of changes before an additional charge is required, additional changes will be billed at our standard hourly rate.

Addons and Extras:

Additional Website Pages

Pages: $75

Need more than 8 pages?
Additional pages can be added to any website or project. New pages start at $75 but we have price breaks if you need more than a few additional pages.

Just need a single page on your existing website?
We can add individual pages and landing pages to any site.

What does a page include?
The easiest way to understand what a page is, is to go to any website and look at their main menu. Every button in the main menu leads to a page.
A page can contain any content you would like. That includes images, text, videos, slideshows, contact forms, buy now buttons, etc.

Website Blog Addon

Blog: $300

Add a Blog to your website to keep your content fresh and visitors up to date. Our custom Blog Software was designed in house for ease of use and integrates seamlessly into all of our sites.

Why A Blog?
Blogs are a great way to drive more traffic and customers to your website with engaging content, deals and news about your company. In addition to this, constantly changing and updating content on your website will assure search engines that your site and company are real and active which will place you higher in search results.

Keyword Research and SEO Addon

Internal SEO Management: $160

Make sure your site is always optimized for your market. Peoples needs and search trends change and you want to make sure you are showing up for what people are looking for. With Internal SEO Management we will make sure every month that your site is optimized for what your customers want. This is included for the first three months of all custom website packages. After that it is $160 per month for the first 8 pages and $30 per page after that.


  • Keyword Research
  • Meta Tags Optimization
  • Heading Tags Optimization
  • Content Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Robot.txt Creation

Frequently Asked Questions:

From the time we get all of the content from you it usually take between 2 and 4 weeks to complete the website. This may be longer if the website is more than 8 pages, or if you delay the Review And Changes stage of development. If time is an issue ask us about our rush delivery.
In short, you do. When we are done with the website we will hand over all of the code and other assets that make up the website. You will then be free to do anything you want with it. We do retain the rights to display your website on our portfolio and keep a small signature at the bottom of your website.
No, once you make the finally payment for the website, you own it out right. The only additional costs would be a monthly hosting fee, yearly domain fee or management fee if you signed up for a maintenance package.
All future changes will be billed at our hourly rate, which is currently $60 / hour. We bill to the closest half hour. We will always provide you with an estimate before any work is done so you have some idea on how much it will cost.

Ready To Get Started?

Or do you have a question and want to talk to a real person? We are a group of friendly people right here in the United States waiting to help you. Give us a call today:

(951) 892-0893